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How To Become Popular On Youtube In 2024


As everyone knows, YouTube is the largest video hosting in the world. It is easy to understand that due to such development and popularity of the platform, many people around the world will want to succeed on it.

In addition to being one of the largest platforms for publishing content, it is also an important place for marketing promotion of a business. Today we will talk about how you can quickly and cheaply promote your channel.

Why you need your own channel


Almost all Internet users view content on YouTube every day. Therefore, if you want to promote your own brand or your social media accounts, then you should use this platform as one of the promotion methods. In addition, do not forget that most people make a purchase of a product only after watching a video review on it.

This data suggests that working on this platform and working with popular bloggers will help you gain the trust of the audience much faster and become more successful. Let’s see how you can make your channel more popular.

Getting into trends


One of the main tasks of all bloggers is getting their videos into trends. As a rule, the most viral, relevant and interesting videos get there. For your content to be like this, you need to choose the right topic and message, be able to interest the viewer in the first 10-15 seconds and make it high-quality and unique.

Quality refers to both its appearance (title, preview and picture) and content. Make sure you have good sound without interference and a pleasing picture, otherwise the viewer will not want to watch the video to the end.

Even if you once fell into trends and it brought you a large number of new audiences, be prepared for the fact that this can happen very rarely. However, you can easily fix this.

Having gained a large audience, it will be easier for you to gain views and get into the top. Since it is quite difficult to get promoted without outside help, we recommend that you turn to the Viplikes service to get the number of new viewers you need in a short time. Be sure that this is the best way to promote, because it does not require large expenses and gives instant results.

Build your channel strategy wisely


Promoting the channel and getting the video to trend is of course good, but before that you need to develop a channel strategy. To get started, answer questions about who you plan to work for, who your content might be of interest to, and what goals you plan to achieve.

At the initial stage of work, it is very important to understand why you are creating a project and what you want to see from it. Unfortunately, many novice creators are in a hurry and do not pay attention to planning. This leads to a crisis already at the beginning of their career because they do not know what to do and for whom.

Depending on which audience you have chosen, you need a completely different approach to creating content. For example, if your viewers are teenagers and students, then it is advisable for you to shoot short and dynamic videos. If you are targeting middle aged people then you can make longer videos and focus on the content rather than the picture.

Use subtitles


Even if you shoot a video in English so that as many people around the world as possible understand you, this is not enough. Many people do not know English or know it at a very low level and cannot consume content in the original. To reach a wider audience, you should use subtitles in different languages.

For the first time, you can add subtitles in the world’s most used languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and French. In the future, when you have enough budget to pay for the work of several translators, you can expand the number of languages.

Don’t disable comments


The mistake of many bloggers is that they are afraid to get negative in their direction, turn off comments. Of course, receiving angry comments and seeing insults in your address is extremely unpleasant. However, this is an inevitable part of the work of every public person. It is impossible to be famous and not have haters.

You can set a filter that will remove comments with certain words, but do not disable the ability to comment on your videos. Comments on this platform are the only way viewers interact with the creator. There you can find out what users think about your content and how they feel about you.

As a last resort, you can close comments on those videos in which you touch on some controversial topic and do not want your viewers to conflict and splash out negativity. However, controversial topics are often needed to be discussed, so turning off the ability to communicate with the audience is not always the best solution.

Announcements in social networks


Most likely, if you have your own channel, then you lead other social networks. A good way to drive traffic from them to YouTube is to post announcements of new videos in your accounts. You can start warming up your audience even before you create your channel. Talk about the desire to create a new project and keep the intrigue.

Once you’ve posted a video, make small announcements and teasers every time. You can cut the most interesting moments and show them to subscribers or immediately attach a link to a new video.

In addition, if you want some of your videos to get even more views, you can use targeted advertising. This always works because such ads are aimed specifically at your potential viewers. If you do not understand targeting, invite a specialist to cooperate so as not to waste time and money in vain.


YouTube is a large platform that allows you to quickly and effortlessly promote your name or brand. We hope that our tips will help you achieve these goals soon.

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